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- «al»«c1» Information collected by Zerox«»
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- «as»«c7»From the beginning of the 90s until today, Amiga sceners have been very
- attractive for the game industry. And during all these years quite many
- sceners have joined «c6»game companies. «c7»But not that many have actually
- created an entire game company by themselves. Anyway, «c6»Razorwax AS «c7»was
- founded in July 2000 by «c6»Claus Grovdal (Producer/Lead Design), Ricki Sickenger
- (Lead Programming:tools/game logic programming) and Kjetil Helland (Lead
- Programming:3D engine programming). «c7»One of the
- original persons behind Darkfall, is also «c6»Bj0rn Tore 0ren (Lead World
- Developer). «c7»In addition «c6»Erik Sperling Johansen «c7»joined the team fulltime
- as a server programmer, and «c6»Henning Ludvigsen «c7»joined part time as art
- director. Out of these persons, some sceners will probably notice that
- Ricki Sickenger was a member of «c6»Gods «c7»many years ago, and was actually the
- man behind a couple of the «c6»D.I.S.C intros «c7»(for issue 9 and 10). Back then
- he went under the handle Zendar. And Henning Ludvigsen is better known as
- Bridgeclaw/Gods. In any case, these people (sceners and non-sceners) started
- their own company because they wanted to be in total creative control, and
- develop games that they wanted to play themselves. This is not strange when
- thinking that all the team members are old gamefreaks. The Razorwax team
- wanted to play online games, and therefore they had a vision to create
- «c6»"amazingly addictive online roleplaying games, using a 100% inhouse developed
- 3D/client, server and tools technology ", «c7»they tell us.«»
- «»
- In a press release the third of August 2001, it was announced that the
- first game this new team are working on, is called «c6»Darkfall. «c7»A name which was
- a result of a short brainstorm session. The game it's scheduled to be released
- the first quarter of 2003, but the idea of the game was born already 6
- years ago. Darkfall is being described as a massively multiplayer online
- roleplaying game «c6»(MMORPG).«»
- «»
- «ac»«c5»THE DARKFALL«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»In the middle of an otherwise featureless plain, stood a lone, black
- tower. The tribe, which crossed these plains every spring, had never seen such a
- structure this far north before. And they didn't understand how it could have been
- built during the winter, a season in which no tribesman, and certainly no house-dwelling
- southerner, would defy the freezing snows of the plains. Four scouting warriors,
- the strongest and bravest men of the Ice Bear tribe, rode closer, and one of their
- number pointed to the dark building in front of them. "Look. The tower has no
- windows on its southern wall, and no door either.". The others saw this also, and
- they noticed that, as they approached the tower, they seemed to leave the morning sun
- behind them. But the four riders were brave men, and they rode on in silence.
- On a snow-covered ridge overlooking the plain, the men of the Ice Bear tribe saw four
- riders disappear into a growing, twilight shadow. They exchanged glances, but none dared
- utter a word, and no voice broke the silence as the shadow made a sudden, violent charge
- - like northern lights dancing - and engulfed them. Time passed and still the men
- of the Ice Bear tribe stood transfixed in the sickly, yellow light. At first, they
- wanted to turn from the stare of the dark tower, but they couldn't find the strength
- to move, and slowly the tower and its shadow grew less frightening to their eyes.
- None stirred until the four warriors returned. They were pale like the snow
- itself now, their eyes were black like the tower behind them, and one of their number
- spoke. "It is safe now. The Watcher calls, and we must come closer."«»
- «ac»«c5»WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT?«»
- «»
- «as»«c7»As written above, «c6»Darkfall «c7»is described as a «c6»next generation online roleplaying game, «c7»as it
- was inspired by the pioneers of online roleplaying games, such as Ultima Online,
- Everquest and Asherons Call, but has advanced features and technology that is
- never before seen in online games according to the makers.«»
- «»
- The Darkfall setting is «c6»traditional high-fantasy, «c7»with elves, dragons,
- spells and magical items. Unlike other MMORPGs that have already been
- released, Darkfall is highly geared towards player vs. player combat,
- and especially towards «c6»racial warfare and territorial conquest, «c7»the
- creators tell us.«»
- «»
- «c6»Darkfall «c7»has all the features of its predecessors, meaning hundreds of combat
- skills/trade skills, hundreds of spells, hundreds of different monsters to kill,
- hundreds of dungeons, more magical items than you can shake a battleaxe at,
- vast wilderness, player owned houses and castles, and everything you expect
- from an online roleplaying game. Darkfall is highly geared towards player vs.
- player combat, and especially towards racial wars and player-run clans conquering
- city states owned by other player-run clans, as mentioned.«»
- «»
- «c6»Darkfall «c7»has six different main character races: «c6»Elves, Dwarves, Humans,
- Mahirim, Orks and Alfar. «c7»Each race has different political standings with the
- other races. The Elves are at peace with Dwarves and Humans, but are wary of
- Mahirim, and are at war with the Orks. Everyone hates the Alfar, and the Alfar
- hate everyone. In effect this means that Elven players may travel to Dwarven
- and Human cities without having any problems with the city guards, and may buy
- and sell in stores. If an Elven player traveled to an Orkish city, he would be
- killed on sight, both by city guards and other players. In Alfar cities,
- everyone gets killed anyway. All races will operate in a rather dark world.
- Whether it's on land or at underwater areas is up to the player to decide.
- The Darkfall world has one huge continent, and three smaller ones. What sets
- the Darkfall world apart from other games, is that there are hundreds of small
- islands that players can travel to, explore and build their houses, cities
- or clan bases on. There is also a huge underworld with miles of caves,
- passages and underground rivers/lakes.«»
- «»
- In any case, there are about «c6»25 pages of text
- covering each race available. «c7»So each player can get to know more about the
- strong and weak sides of the characters, as it's not possible to play all
- races from the same account. Apart from that, «c6»Darkfall can be played any way
- you want. «c7»If you want to get involved in conquest, wars and ruling kingdoms,
- you join a clan, or get together with some friends and start your own.
- If you just want to be a lone adventurer, hunting for treasure, magical items
- and fame, you just go out and do it. You can even be a mercenary, selling your
- sword arm to the highest bidder, or a merchant, setting up caravans and shops
- in different cities, buying high quality hides from Mahirim hunters, and selling
- them for top prices at Human cities. You can even hook up with a few friends
- and be pirates, sailing your galleon around, plundering merchant ships and other
- pirates, or a Dwarven blacksmith, crafting mighty magical weapons and armor,
- or maybe a farmer producing rare herbs and spell reagents that you can sell
- in the cities. «c6»Darkfall «c7»has a 100% skill based character advancement system,
- meaning you learn a new skill or spell from an NPC or another player and this
- skill or spell is raised by being used. Some skills and spells are race specific,
- meaning you can not learn them unless you are of the appropriate race. The races
- also have limits on what they can and cant learn. Skills start at 1 and can be
- raised to 100. There should be around 500 spells and 500 skills in
- «c6»Darkfall, «c7»because the creators want to make combat, spellcasting, trade and item
- creation as interesting as possible. They want every player to have their own
- personal set of favourite spells and skills, so no combat situation is the same.
- The spells are divided into several different schools of magic: Lesser Magic,
- Greater Magic, Element of Fire, Element of Earth, Element of Water, Element of Air,
- Witchcraft, Spellsinging, Necromancy, Wild Magic, Arcane Magic and Ritual Magic.
- In addition there are some special spells that do not fit directly into any
- school of magic, such as racial specialty spells. The players have total control
- of what and how they want to play. The possibilities seem to be endless.«»
- «»
- «»
- «as»«c7»The basic concept of Darkfall is the «c6»struggle for power «c7»and control between
- the different races. This along with all the player-run clans fighting for
- kingdoms, dungeons and resources will drive the game. There are several
- underlying themes, but these are primarily based around quests and monthly
- events.«»
- «»
- How many people that will take part in this struggle for power is yet to be
- seen. However, the «c6»Razorwax «c7»team are aiming at 10.000 on each server cluster,
- hoping for 20.000 and dreaming about 30.000 players at once.
- Razorwax have created boards where interested people can register. Already
- now there are over 400 members which take part in the Darkfall discussions,
- Developer forums, Clan related issues and more.«»
- «»
- The first affiliate site is also up and running at «c6»darkfall.mmorpg.net«»
- «»
- «c7»A Pre-Alpha version of the Darkfall game was out for testing the 5th of
- December last year
- for a few invited people and more will be allowed to join later on this
- year, but the final game won't be released before 2003 as
- written above. Anyway, I look forward to this mindblasting new roleplaying
- game which I'm sure will be a great success! And as many amiga sceners also
- have PCs and love roleplaying games, I know I won't be the only one playing
- this game. I just have to purchase a PC first, but still I have at least
- one more year to do just that, hehe...«»
- «»
- Good luck to all at Razorwax.«»
- «»
- Check out Darkfall yourself: «c6»www.darkfallonline.com«»
- «»
- «c7»Note: All information about Darkfall and the screenshots are taken from the
- official Darkfall sites with kind permission of Razorwax AS.«»
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